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Bidirectional Circuit protection devices

Amendment 3
of the 18th Edition

Unidirectional power flow

Concept and AMD3 regulations

Unidirectional protective devices are marked to indicate the line and load terminals and are designed to work when the power can only flow in one direction, i.e., from supply to load. It is vital to observe the connection details.

- Bidirectional protective devices, IET

Explore Lewdens' offering of circuit protection devices suitable for unidirectional power flow below.

Circuit Protection devices suitable for unidirectional power flow

Bidirectional power flow

Concept and AMD3 regulations

A protective device that does not have markings to indicate line and load terminals is a bidirectional device, where power flow in either direction will not cause damage.

- Bidirectional protective devices, IET

Explore Lewdens' offering of circuit protection devices suitable for bidirectional power flow below.

Circuit Protection devices suitable for bidirectional power flow

* For circuits featuring bi-directional power flow that require RCBO protection, this can be acheived using an MCB in series with an electromechanical RCCB.

BEAMA Guides

Access updates that align with the requirements of Amendment 3:2024 to BS 7671:2018 IET Wiring Regulations (the brown book) which was published on 31 July 2024.

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